Markus Hagemeier

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Vfx Associate Producer: Scanline VFX Munich

'Game of Thrones' First of His Name  (2014)

Directed by: Michelle MacLaren
Cinematography by: Robert McLachlan
Edited by: Crispin Green

Visual Effects Associate Producer: ScanlineVFX Munich

Exodus: Gods and Kings  (2014)

Directed by: Ridley Scott
Cinematography by: Dariusz Wolski
Editing System:

Visual Effects Associate Producer: ScanlineVFX Munich

300: Rise of an Empire  (2014)

Directed by: Noam Murro
Cinematography by: Simon Duggan

I/o Coordinator: ScanlineVFX

The Ghost Writer  (2010)

Directed by: Roman Polanski
Cinematography by: Pawel Edelman
Edited by: Hervé de Luze
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