Erik Schultz

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Additional Stunt Double: Chris Hemsworth / Stunt Performer

Avengers: Endgame  (2019)

Directed by: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Cinematography by: Trent Opaloch
Editing System:

Stunt Double: Enrique Murciano , Utility Stunts

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes  (2014)

Directed by: Matt Reeves
Cinematography by: Michael Seresin
Editing System:

Stunt Double: Keller Dover

Prisoners  (2013)

Directed by: Denis Villeneuve
Cinematography by: Roger Deakins
Edited by: Joel Cox, Gary Roach
Editing System:

Seeker Zephyr, Stunt Double: Mr. Irons

The Host  (2013)

Directed by: Andrew Niccol
Cinematography by: Roberto Schaefer