Zelda Tinska

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Visual Effects Line Producer: Double Negative

Assassin's Creed  (2016)

Directed by: Justin Kurzel
Cinematography by: Adam Arkapaw

Visual Effects Line Producer: Double Negative

Exodus: Gods and Kings  (2014)

Directed by: Ridley Scott
Cinematography by: Dariusz Wolski
Editing System:

Voice Coach: Serbian For Holly Boyd

A Lonely Place to Die  (2011)

Directed by: Julian Gilbey
Cinematography by: Ali Asad

Visual Effects Editorial: Double Negative

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas  (2008)

Directed by: Mark Herman
Cinematography by: Benoît Delhomme
Edited by: Michael Ellis

Technical Support: Double Negative

10,000 BC  (2008)

Directed by: Roland Emmerich
Cinematography by: Ueli Steiger
Edited by: Alexander Berner