Steve Pang

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Visual Effects Editor

Assassin's Creed  (2016)

Directed by: Justin Kurzel
Cinematography by: Adam Arkapaw

Visual Effects And Previsualisation Editor

10,000 BC  (2008)

Directed by: Roland Emmerich
Cinematography by: Ueli Steiger
Edited by: Alexander Berner

Dailies Assistant Editor

The Da Vinci Code  (2006)

Directed by: Ron Howard
Cinematography by: Salvatore Totino

Visual Effects Assistant Editor

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy  (2005)

Directed by: Garth Jennings
Cinematography by: Igor Jadue-Lillo
Edited by: Niven Howie

Visual Effects Assistant Editor

The Medallion  (2003)

Directed by: Gordon Chan
Cinematography by: Arthur Wong
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