Ben Rothwell

  32 Titles
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Main Armourer

Resistance  (2011)

Directed by: Amit Gupta
Cinematography by: John Pardue
Edited by: Chris Barwell

On-set Armorer

Chatroom  (2010)

Directed by: Hideo Nakata
Cinematography by: Benoît Delhomme

On-set Armorer

'Ashes to Ashes' Episode #3.8  (2010)

Directed by: David Drury
Cinematography by: Balazs Bolygo
Edited by: Ben Drury

On-set Armorer

'Ashes to Ashes' Episode #3.7  (2010)

Directed by: David Drury
Cinematography by: Balazs Bolygo
Edited by: Ben Drury

Main Armourer

'Misfits' Episode #2.6  (2010)

Directed by: Owen Harris
Cinematography by: Christopher Ross
Edited by: Tom Hemmings

Assistant Armourer

Perrier's Bounty  (2009)

Directed by: Ian Fitzgibbon
Cinematography by: Seamus Deasy
Edited by: Tony Cranstoun
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