Bryan Thompson

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Stunt Performer

The Purge  (2013)

Directed by: James DeMonaco
Cinematography by: Jacques Jouffret
Edited by: Peter Gvozdas
Editing System:

Stunt Double: Aaron Paul

'Breaking Bad' Bug  (2011)

Directed by: Terry McDonough
Cinematography by: Michael Slovis
Edited by: Skip Macdonald

Stunt Double: Ryan Cartwright

'Bones' The Hole in the Heart  (2011)

Directed by: Alex Chapple
Cinematography by: Gordon Lonsdale
Edited by: Andrea Folprecht

Stunt Double: Jamie Bell , Stunts

The Adventures of Tintin  (2011)

Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Cinematography by: Janusz Kaminski
Edited by: Michael Kahn
Editing System:

Stunts / Stunt Performer - 5 Episodes, 2011-2015

Pretty Little Liars  (2010)

Editing System: