Kenya  |  9 Titles

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King Solomon’s Mines   (1950)

  |    |    |    |    |  103 Minutes

Human   (2015)

  |    |    |    |    |  190 Minutes

Fishing Without Nets   (2014)

  |    |    |    |  109 Minutes

Out of Africa   (1985) oscar-icon

  |    |    |    |    |  161 Minutes

Baraka   (1992)

  |    |    |  ,   |  96 Minutes
Directed by | Ron Fricke | Cinematography by | Ron Fricke | Editing by | David Aubrey, Ron Fricke, Mark Magidson
Lenses |

I Am Slave   (2010)

  |    |    |    |  82 Minutes

Winged Migration   (2001)

  |    |    |    |  89 Minutes

The Constant Gardener   (2005)

  |    |    |    |    |  129 Minutes

It’s All About Love   (2003)

  |    |  Color  |    |  104 Minutes
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