Ardeshir Radpour

  33 Titles
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Prop Builder / Props Builder , Roman Cavalry Officer

Hail, Caesar!  (2016)

Directed by: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Cinematography by: Roger Deakins
Edited by: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen

Iranian Police Officer, Stunts

'Bones' The Murder in the Middle East  (2015)

Directed by: Milan Cheylov
Cinematography by: Gregory Paul Collier
Edited by: Bill Lynch

Polo Trainer To Joel Edgerton

The Great Gatsby  (2013)

Directed by: Baz Luhrmann
Cinematography by: Simon Duggan
Editing System:

Polo Player, Stunts

'Revenge' Trust  (2011)

Directed by: Phillip Noyce
Cinematography by: Cynthia Pusheck
Edited by: Martin Nicholson
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