The movie Midsommar, released in 2019 and directed by Ari Aster, was shot on digital using Panavision Millennium DXL2 Camera and Panavision Primo Artiste Lenses with Pawel Pogorzelski as cinematographer and editing by Lucian Johnston.
Directed by | Ari Aster
Cinematography by | Pawel Pogorzelski
Studio | A24
Edited by | Lucian Johnston
Written by | Ari Aster
Sound Systems
Dolby Digital
Country | USA, SwedenLanguage | English, Swedish
Genres | Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Editing System
Finishing System
Distributed Aspect Ratio
Shooting Regions
Visual Effects Facilities
➤ Cast
Dani's Mother
Dani's Father
Pizza Waitress
Hipster Guy
➤ Directed by
➤ Cinematography by
➤ Written by
Written By
➤ Edited by
➤ Produced by
Executive Producer
Producer - Line Producer: Additional Photography, Utah
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Producer: Proton Cinema
Line Producer
Executive Producer / Line Producer
Associate Producer
Service Producer
Executive Producer
➤ Original Music by
➤ Production Design by
Production Design
➤ Art Direction by
Supervising Art Director: Hungary
Art Director: Utah Unit
➤ Set Decoration by
Set Decorator
➤ Costume Design by
Costume Designer
➤ Casting by
Casting Director
Casting Director
➤ Production Management
Unit Production Manager: Hungary
Unit Manager: Hungary
Production Manager: Sweden
Unit Production Manager: Utah
➤ Second Unit & Assistant Directors
Third Assistant Director
Cast Assistant
First Assistant Director / First Assistant Director: Hungary
Key Second Assistant Director: Hungary
First Assistant Director: Utah Unit
First Assistant Director: Hungary
Set Second Assistant Director
Cast Assistant
2nd Assistant Director: Utah Unit
➤ Camera & Electrical Department
Still Photographer / Still Photographer: Hungary
Camera Production Assistant: Utah
Additional Cinematographer: Sweden
First Assistant Camera: Utah
Electrician: Hungary
Video Assistant: Hungary / Video Operator
Camera Trainee: Hungary / Second Assistant B Camera: Hungary
Grip: Hungary
Electrician: Utah
Electrician / Electrician: Hungary
Grip / Scorpio Crane Technician
Grip: Hungary
First Assistant Camera: "a" Camera / Focus Puller A Camera: Hungary
Gopro Operator: Hungary
First Assistant B Camera: Hungary / First Assistant Camera: "b" Camera / Focus Puller B Camera: Hungary
Grip: Utah
Best Boy Rigging Electrician / Rigging Gaffer: Hungary
Electrician: Utah
Video Assistant / Video Assistant: Hungary
Second Assistant C Camera: Hungary
Drone Operator: Hungary
Key Grip: New York
Key Grip / Key Grip: Hungary
Grip: Utah
First Assistant C Camera: Hungary
Still Photographer / Still Photographer: Hungary
C Camera Operator / C Camera Operator: Hungary
Electrician: Hungary
Camera Trainee / Camera Trainee: Hungary
Gaffer: Hungary
Second Assistant Camera: Utah
Best Boy: Utah
Assistant Chief Lighting Technician
Data Management Technician / Data Management Technician: Hungary
Best Boy Electrician
Camera Trainee: Hungary
Second Assistant Camera: Vfx Unit
Data Management Technician / Data Management Technician: Hungary
Dolly Grip
Gaffer: Utah
A Camera Operator / A Camera/steadicam Operator: Hungary / Steadicam Operator
Camera Trainee: Dailies
Steadicam Operator: Utah
Gaffer: New York
First Assistant Camera: New York
Best Boy Grip: Utah
Camera Operator: Utah
Key Grip: Salt Lake City, Utah Unit / Key Grip: Utah
Digital Imaging Technician: Sweden / First Assistant Camera: Sweden
Camera Trainee / Camera Trainee: Hungary
Remote Head Technician
Digital Imaging Technician / Digital Imaging Technician: Hungary
Best Boy Grip: Hungary / Bestboy Grip
Electrician: Utah
Second Assistant A Camera: Hungary
Electrician: Hungary
Dolly Grip: Hungary
Second Assistant A Camera: Hungary
Drone Pilot / Drone Pilot: Hungary
Electrician: Hungary
Second Assistant B Camera: Hungary / Second Assistant Camera: "a" Camera
Still Photographer
Digital Imaging Technician: SLC Unit
Gimbal Operator: SLC Unit / Remote Gimbal Operator: Utah
First Assistant B Camera: Hungary
➤ Editorial Department
Color Assist
First Assistant Editor
Post-production Coordinator
Support Engineer: Harbor Picture Company / Technical Support Engineer: Harbor Picture Company
Account Executive: Harbor Picture Company
Conform Artist: Harbor Picture Company
Color Assist / Color Assistant: Harbor Picture Company
Digital Immediate Coordinator / Post Coordinator: Harbor Picture Company
Colorist: Harbor Picture Company / Supervising Colorist
Colorist / Colorist: Harbor Picture Company
Conform Assistant: Harbor Picture Company / On-line Assistant
VFX Editor
Additional Editor
Digital Intermediate Producer / Digital Intermediate Producer: Harbor Picture Company
Office Editorial Producer: Harbor Picture Company / Senior Post Producer: Offline Editorial
Mastering Technician: Harbor Picture Company
Mastering Technician: Harbor Picture Company
Technical Support Engineer: Harbor Picture Company
Conform Artist: Harbor Picture Company / Conform Editor
Color Assistant / Color Assistant: Harbor Picture Company
Support Engineer: Harbor Picture Company
Support Engineer: Harbor Picture Company
Support Engineer: Harbor Picture Company
Supervising Digital Intermediate Producer: Harbor Picture Company
➤ Visual Effects Department
Visual Effects Producer: Crafty Apes
Visual Effects Producer: Rebel Unit
Visual Effects Producer: Lampion Pictures
Matte Painter: The-Artery
Compositor: Rebel Unit
Digital Artist: Lampion Pictures
Visual Effects Artist: The-Artery
Digital Artist: Lampion Pictures
Compositor: Crafty Apes
Compositor: Front VFX
Visual Effects Artist: The-Artery
Digital Compositor
Visual Effects Producer: The-Artery
Visual Effects Supervisor: Crafty Apes
Compositor: Rebel Unit
Digital Compositor: Inivisible Arts Collective
Digital Compositor: Invisible Arts Collective
Visual Effects Supervisor: Lampion Pictures
Visual Effects Supervisor: Front VFX
Visual Effects Supervisor: MELS
Visual Effects Supervisor: Rebel Unit
Visual Effects Artist: Front VFX
Compositor: Crafty Apes
Digital Artist: Lampion Pictures
Visual Effects Artist: Harbor Picture Company
Digital Artist: Lampion Pictures
Cg Supervisor: Crafty Apes
Compositor: Crafty Apes
Data Wrangler
Compositor: Front VFX
Digital Artist: Lampion Pictures
Compositor: Rebel Unit
Roto Artist: Front VFX
Matte Painter: Front VFX
Matte Painter: Front VFX
Visual Effects Supervisor: The-Artery
Digital Compositor: Invisible Arts Collective
Finance: Rebel Unit
Executive Producer: The-Artery
Visual Effects Assistant: Front VFX
Visual Effects Supervisor
3d Artist: Front VFX
Head Of Visual Effects: MELS
Visual Effects Artist: The-Artery
3d Artist: Front VFX
Roto Artist: Front VFX
Visual Effects Artist: Harbor Picture Company
Visual Effects Coordinator: Crafty Apes
Digital Compositor
Visual Effects Supervisor: The-Artery
Compositor: Front VFX
Cg Artist: MELS
Visual Effect Producer: Brainstorm Digital
Compositor: MELS
Visual Effects Artist: Aristoren Filmworks
Visual Effects Supervisor: Aristoren Filmworks
Compositor: MELS
Fx Artist: MELS
Fx Artist: MELS
Cg Artist: MELS
Cg Artist: MELS
Cg Artist: MELS
Compositor: MELS
Compositor: MELS
Digital Compositor: Brainstorm Digital
Visual Effects Artist: Aristoren Filmworks
Lead Vfx Editing And I/o: MELS
Compositor: MELS
Cg Supervisor: MELS
Cg Supervisor: MELS
Fx Artist: MELS
Digital Compositor: Brainstorm Digital
Digital Compositor: Brainstorm Digital
Digital Compositor: Brainstorm Digital
Cg Artist: MELS
Lead Matte Painter: Brainstorm Digital
Compositor: MELS
Compositor: MELS
Cg Artist: MELS
Visual Effects Supervisor: Brainstorm Digital
Compositor: MELS
Cg Artist: MELS
Visual Effects Producer: Brainstorm Digital
Cg Artist: MELS
Compositor: MELS
Visual Effects Artist: The-Artery
Cg Artist: MELS
Compositor: Crafty Apes
Digital Compositor: Brainstorm Digital
Compositor: MELS
Matte Painter: Brainstorm Digital
Digital Compositor: Brainstorm Digital
Visual Effects Artist: Aristoren Filmworks
Lead Compositor: MELS
Visual Effects Artist: Aristoren Filmworks
Visual Effects Producer: MELS
Visual Effects Artist: Aristoren Filmworks
Lead Compositor: Brainstorm Digital
Compositor: MELS
Matte Painter: MELS
Compositor: MELS
Cg Artist: MELS
Compositor: MELS
Compositor: MELS
Flame Artist: The Artery
Cg Artist: MELS
Vfx Editor: MELS
Compositor: MELS
Compositor: MELS
Lead Compositor: MELS
Compositing Supervisor: Brainstorm Digital
Fx Artist: MELS
Cg Artist: MELS
Matte Painter: Brainstorm Digital
➤ Special Effects Department
Special Effects Floor Supervisor
Special Effects Supervisor
Special Effects
Special Effects Foreman
Special Effects Technician
➤ Art Department
Greenery: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Standby Props: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Draftsman: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Art Department Coordinator: Hungary
On-set Construction Manager: Hungary
Greenery: Hungary
Buyer: Hungary
Head Painter: Hungary
Art Department Coordinator: Utah Unit
Draftsman: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Draftswoman: Hungary
Greenery Supervisor: Hungary
Seamstress: Hungary
Construction Coordinator: Utah Unit
Swing Gang: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Greenery: Hungary
Buyer: Hungary
Greenery: Hungary
Painter: Hungary
Painter: Hungary
Assistant Set Decorator: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Painter: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Set Designer
Instrument Maker/consultant: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Head Of Construction: Hungary / Supervising Construction Manager
Buyer: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Construction Supervisor: Hungary / Draftswoman: Hungary
Buyer: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Lead Man: Utah Unit
Buyer: Hungary
Buyer: Hungary
Painter: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Standby Props: Hungary
Set Decoration Coordinator: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Greenery: Hungary / Greensman
Greenery: Hungary
Construction Coordinator: Hungary
Buyer: Hungary
Assistant Property Master: Utah Unit
Standby Construction: Hungary
Conceptual Designer / Concept Artist: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Set Dresser
Greenery: Hungary
Standby Construction: Hungary
Set Designer
Seamstress: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Carpenter: Hungary
Greenery: Hungary
Painter: Hungary
Buyer: Hungary
Painter: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Buyer: Hungary
Stand-by Art Director / Standby Art Director: Hungary
Carpenter: Hungary
Swing Gang: Hungary
Graphic Designer
➤ Sound Department
Assistant Sound Editor
Foley Mixer
ADR Recording Engineer / Adr Recording Engineer
Adr Mixer
Boom Operator
Adr Mixer
Mix Technician
Foley Artist
Boom Operator / Boom Operator: Hungary
Adr Engineer
Re-recording Mixer - Atmos Version / Sound Designer
Foley Supervisor
ADR Recordist
Adr Recordist
Adr Mixer
Dialogue Editor
ADR Recordist
Sound Mixer / Sound Mixer: Hungary
Spanish Dubbing Director Trailer
ADR Recordist
ADR Recording Engineer
Foley Editor
Dialogue Editor
Re-recording Mixer / Supervising Sound Editor
Foley Artist
Additional Dialogue Editor: Directors Cut
Re-recording Mixer / Sound Effects Editor
Supervising ADR Editor
Post Production Sound Coordinator
ADR Recordist
Boom Operator: Hungary
➤ Casting Department
Casting Associate
Adr Voice Casting
Extras Casting
Adr Voice Casting
➤ Makeup Department
Key Makeup Artist
Key Hair Stylist
Daily Hairdresser
Makeup Supervisor
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
Key Hair Stylist: Additional Photography, Utah
Hair Stylist
Key Makeup Artist: Additional Photography, Utah
Prosthetic Makeup Designer
Prosthetic Makeup Artist
Utah Unit
Daily Hairdresser
Hair Stylist
Hair Supervisor
Makeup Artist
Hair Department Head: Filmefex Studio
Daily Hairdresser
➤ Costume & Wardrobe Department
Key Costumer
Assistant Costume Designer
Costume Maker
Textile Artist
Costume Buyer
Set Costumer
➤ Music Department
Music Editor
Composer Trailer Music
Music Editor
Assistant Vocal Coach
Vocal Coach / Vocal Composer
Assistant Engineer / Conductor / Music Coach / Orchestrator / Performer
Score Recording Engineer
Score Recorded By
Score Performed By
Arranger: Fanfare
Music Supervisor
Score Supervisor
➤ Stunt Department
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Performer
Stunt Department Coordinator
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Performer
Stunt Rigger
Stunt Performer
➤ Transportation Department
Driver: Utah
Driver: Utah
Picture Car Coordinator
➤ Additional Crew Members
Consultant: Runic Semiotic
Financial Controller / Production Controller: Hungary
Production Coordinator: Hungary
Consultant: Anthropology
Title Designer
Production Accountant Assistant: Hungary
ADR Voice Artist
Production Accountant Assistant: Hungary
Production Accountant Assistant: Hungary
Financial Supervisor: Hungary
Stock Footage Coordinator
Assistant Choreographer: Hungary
Assistant Choreographer / Voice Coach
Assistant To Jack Reynor
Food Designer
Set Production Assistant
Assistant Production Coordinator: Hungary
Animal Coordinator
Food Stylist
Post Production Assistant Accountant
Script Supervisor: Utah Unit
Bear Trainer
Production Accountant Assistant: Hungary
Bear Trainer
Assistant Choreographer / Assistant Choreographer: Hungary
Script Supervisor: Hungary
Completion Guarantor: Film Finances Inc
Financial Officer: Hungary
Medical Team Supervisor
Unit Technician
Production Coordinator / Production Coordinator: Hungary
Set Production Assistant
Assistant Production Accountant / Production Accountant Assistant: Hungary
Health & Safety Officer
Production Executive
ADR Voice Artist
Production Accountant: Hungary
Assistant Choreographer: Hungary / Associate Choreographer
Creative Consultant
2nd Assistant Accountant
Accountant Assistant: Hungary
ADR Voice Artist
Office Production Assistant: Hungary
Choreographer / Swedish Dialogue Supervisor / Choreographer: Hungary / Swedish Dialogue Supervisor: Hungary
Completion Guarantor
Head Of Production
Accountant: Hungary
Accountant Assistant: Hungary
Midsommar - modified: [166737] [8772262]