Transportation Coordinator
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Directed by: Joss Whedon
Cinematography by: Ben Davis
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' Krieg Nicht Lieb (2014)
Directed by: Clark Johnson
Cinematography by: David Klein
Edited by: Harvey Rosenstock
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' The Drone Queen (2014)
Directed by: Lesli Linka Glatter
Cinematography by: David Klein
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' Trylon and Perisphere (2014)
Directed by: Keith Gordon
Cinematography by: David Klein
Edited by: Michael Ruscio
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' Shalwar Kameez (2014)
Directed by: Lesli Linka Glatter
Cinematography by: David Klein
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' Iron in the Fire (2014)
Directed by: Michael Offer
Cinematography by: David Klein
Edited by: Jordan Goldman
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' From A to B and Back Again (2014)
Directed by: Lesli Linka Glatter
Cinematography by: David Klein
Edited by: Michael Ruscio
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' About a Boy (2014)
Directed by: Charlotte Sieling
Cinematography by: David Klein
Edited by: Harvey Rosenstock
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' Redux (2014)
Directed by: Carl Franklin
Cinematography by: David Klein
Edited by: Jordan Goldman
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' Halfway to a Donut (2014)
Directed by: Alex Graves
Cinematography by: David Klein
Edited by: Harvey Rosenstock
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' Long Time Coming (2014)
Directed by: Lesli Linka Glatter
Cinematography by: David Klein
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' 13 Hours in Islamabad (2014)
Directed by: Daniel Attias
Cinematography by: David Klein
Edited by: Jordan Goldman
Transportation Coordinator
'Homeland' There's Something Else Going On (2014)
Directed by: Seith Mann
Cinematography by: David Klein
Edited by: Michael Ruscio
Transportation Coordinator
The Giver (2014)
Directed by: Phillip Noyce
Cinematography by: Ross Emery
Edited by: Barry Alexander Brown
Cameras: ARRI ALEXA XT Camera
Lenses: Hawk V-Lite Lenses, Hawk V-Plus Lenses
Transportation Coordinator
Zulu (2013)
Directed by: Jérôme Salle
Cinematography by: Denis Rouden
Edited by: Stan Collet
Cameras: ARRI ALEXA Studio Camera
Transportation Coordinator - 12 Episodes, 2014
Homeland (2011)
Directed by: Lesli Linka Glatter, Michael Cuesta, Daniel Attias, Alex Graves, Keith Gordon, Tucker Gates, Clark Johnson, Seith Mann, Guy Ferland, Michael Offer, Michael Klick, Jeffrey Nachmanoff, Carl Franklin, Charlotte Sieling, Brad Turner, John Dahl, Lodge Kerrigan, Jeremy Podeswa, David Semel, Daniel Minahan, David Nutter, Jeffrey Reiner, John David Coles, Nelson McCormick
Edited by: Jordan Goldman, Philip Carr Neel, Harvey Rosenstock, Joe Hobeck, Terry Kelley, Michael Ruscio, Sarah Zeitlin, Garret Donnelly, Victoria Grimsley, David Latham
Cameras: ARRI ALEXA Camera, Red Epic Camera
Production Assistant: Pre-production
Amelia (2009)
Directed by: Mira Nair
Cinematography by: Stuart Dryburgh
Horse Wrangler: Pre-production
Doomsday (2008)
Directed by: Neil Marshall
Cinematography by: Sam McCurdy
Riding Double: Warlord
10,000 BC (2008)
Directed by: Roland Emmerich
Cinematography by: Ueli Steiger
Edited by: Alexander Berner
Cameras: ARRI Cameras, Moviecam Cameras
Lenses: Angenieux Lenses, Zeiss Lenses
Horse Wrangler
Monsieur N. (2003)
Directed by: Antoine de Caunes
Cinematography by: Pierre Aïm
Edited by: Joële Van Effenterre
Cameras: ARRIFLEX 535 B Camera
Lenses: Cooke S4 Lenses