Sooki Raphael

  12 Titles
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Assistant: Mr. Hanks

City of Ember  (2008)

Directed by: Gil Kenan
Cinematography by: Xavier Grobet

Assistant: Mr. Hanks

Starter for 10  (2006)

Directed by: Tom Vaughan
Cinematography by: Ashley Rowe

Assistant: Mr. Hanks

The Terminal  (2004)

Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Cinematography by: Janusz Kaminski
Edited by: Michael Kahn

Assistant: Mr. Hanks

The Ladykillers  (2004)

Directed by: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Cinematography by: Roger Deakins
Edited by: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen

Assistant: Mr. Zucker

Rat Race  (2001)

Directed by: Jerry Zucker
Cinematography by: Thomas E. Ackerman
Edited by: Tom Lewis
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