She’s So Cold  (2016)

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  |    |    |    |    |  7 Minutes
She’s So Cold Technical Specifications Update Details Update Poster


The short She’s So Cold, released in 2016 and directed by Sidney Berthier, was shot on digital using Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera with Sidney Berthier as cinematographer and editing was done on the Adobe Premiere Editing System by Sidney Berthier.
Directed by | Sidney Berthier
Cinematography by | Sidney Berthier
Edited by | Sidney Berthier
Capture - Resolution
Post Production Resolution
Sound Systems
Audio Sample Rate
Audio Bit Depth
Distribution Resolution
Distribution Medium
Country | United Kingdom
Language | English
Genres | Short, Comedy

Editing System
Editing Method
Finishing System
Capture - Codecs & Formats
Capture - Digital Recorders
Project Frame Rate
Distributed Frame Rate
Distributed Aspect Ratio
Shooting Regions
Shooting Space
Lyla Marks
Directed by
Cinematography by
Written by
Edited by
Produced by
Supervising Producer
Executive Producer
Line Producer / Producer
Editorial Department
Sound Department
Sound Mixer
Makeup Department
Special Makeup Effects Artist
Music Department
Composer: Theme Music
She’s So Cold - modified: [171040] [6145674]

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