Cole Dabney

  18 Titles
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Social Media & Marketing

The Magic of Belle Isle  (2012)

Directed by: Rob Reiner
Cinematography by: Reed Morano
Edited by: Dorian Harris

Social Media & Marketing

Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning  (2012)

Directed by: John Hyams
Cinematography by: Yaron Levy

Social Media & Marketing

[REC] 3: Genesis  (2012)

Directed by: Paco Plaza
Cinematography by: Pablo Rosso
Edited by: David Gallart

Social Media & Marketing

God Bless America  (2011)

Directed by: Bobcat Goldthwait
Cinematography by: Bradley Stonesifer

Social Media & Marketing

Hodejegerne  (2011)

Directed by: Morten Tyldum
Cinematography by: John Andreas Andersen
Edited by: Vidar Flataukan

Social Media & Marketing

Goon  (2011)

Directed by: Michael Dowse
Cinematography by: Bobby Shore
Edited by: Reginald Harkema

Social Media & Marketing

Take This Waltz  (2011)

Directed by: Sarah Polley
Cinematography by: Luc Montpellier
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