The movie Room X, released in 2008 and directed by Kelvin C. Bias, was shot on film using Bolex H16 SB Camera and Angenieux Lenses with Robson Garcia Jr. as cinematographer and editing was done on the Apple Final Cut Pro 7 by Pen Williams.
Directed by | Kelvin C. Bias
Cinematography by | Robson Garcia Jr.
Edited by | Pen Williams
Written by | Kelvin C. Bias
Lens Manufacturer
Camera Aperture
Near Location Services
Sound Systems
Audio Recording
Audio Sample Rate
Audio Bit Depth
Country | USALanguage | English
Genres | Short, Sci-Fi
Editing System
Editing Method
Finishing System
Film Manufacturer
Film Negative Stock
Film Negative Width
Film Negative Pulldown
Distributed Frame Rate
Distributed Aspect Ratio
Shooting Regions
Shooting Space
➤ Cast
Commander Varian Jiles
Miss X
Mrs. Zero
Mr. One
➤ Directed by
➤ Cinematography by
➤ Written by
Original Screenplay
➤ Edited by
➤ Produced by
➤ Original Music by
➤ Production Design by
Production Designer
➤ Costume Design by
Costume Designer
➤ Camera & Electrical Department
Gaffer / Grip
Camera Loader / Gaffer
Camera Operator
➤ Visual Effects Department
Visual Effects
➤ Makeup Department
Makeup Department Head
➤ Additional Crew Members
Stills Photography
Room X - modified: [166964] [1366432]