On the Battlefield  (1972)

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  |    |    |    |    |  90 Minutes
On the Battlefield Technical Specifications Update Details Update Poster


The movie On the Battlefield, released in 1972 and directed by Peter Biskind, was shot on film using Bolex H16 RX4 Camera, Éclair NPR Camera and Angenieux Lenses with Peter Biskind as cinematographer and editing by Peter Biskind.
Directed by | Peter Biskind
Cinematography by | Peter Biskind
Edited by | Peter Biskind
Camera Aperture
Distribution Medium
Country | USA
Language | English
Genres | Documentary

Editing System
Finishing System
Film Manufacturer
Film Negative Stock
Film Negative Width
Distributed Frame Rate
Distributed Aspect Ratio
Shooting Regions
Directed by
Cinematography by
Edited by
Produced by
Camera & Electrical Department
Camera Operator: "b" Camera
Editorial Department
Assistant Editor
Sound Department
Re-recording Mixer / Sound Recordist
On the Battlefield - modified: [166961] [4475832]

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