The movie Gallery of Horror, released in 1967 and directed by David L. Hewitt with Austin McKinney as cinematographer and editing by Tim Hinkle.
Directed by | David L. Hewitt
Cinematography by | Austin McKinney
Edited by | Tim Hinkle
Camera Aperture
Sound Systems
Distribution Medium
Country | USALanguage | English
Genres | Horror, Sci-Fi
Editing System
Finishing System
Film Manufacturer
Film Negative Width
Film Negative Pulldown
Camera Negative Orientation
Project Frame Rate
Film Print Stock
Film Print Orientation
Projection Format
Distributed Frame Rate
Distributed Aspect Ratio
Notes & More Information
Also entitled DR. TERROR'S GALLERY OF HORRORS, this was shot on the anamorphic Totalvision format, used Pathecolor 35mm film stocks, but was printed in Technicolor 35mm. American General distributed in the United States.
➤ Cast
Dr. Mendell
Narrator / Tristram Halbin
Helen Spalding
Bob Farrell / Mob Leader / Dr. Sevard / Jonathan Harker
Brenner / Dr. Charles Spalding / Dr. Cushing
Julie Farrell / Vampire (Medina)
Dr. Finchley / Desmond / Amos Duncan / The Burgermeister
Mrs. O'Shea
The Coachman
The Count (Alucard)
Dr. Sedgewick
Londoner Killed By Mob / Resurrected Charles
➤ Directed by
➤ Cinematography by
➤ Written by
➤ Edited by
➤ Produced by
➤ Original Music by
➤ Art Direction by
Art Director
➤ Camera & Electrical Department
Lighting Director
➤ Sound Department
Sound Recordist
Sound Mixer
➤ Makeup Department
Makeup Artist
➤ Additional Crew Members
Script Supervisor
Gallery of Horror - modified: [69955] [62193]