The tv movie The Immortal Story, released in 1968 and directed by Orson Welles with Willy Kurant as cinematographer and editing by Claude Farny, Françoise Garnault, Yolande Maurette, Marcelle Pluet.
Directed by | Orson Welles
Cinematography by | Willy Kurant
Sound Systems
Country | FranceLanguage | English
Genres | Drama
Editing System
Finishing System
Film Negative Width
Projection Format
Distributed Aspect Ratio
Shooting Regions
➤ Cast
Virginie Ducrot
Mr. Charles Clay
Elishama Levinsky
Paul, The Sailor
Merchant Telling Clay's History
➤ Directed by
➤ Cinematography by
Director Of Photography
➤ Written by
➤ Edited by
➤ Produced by
➤ Set Decoration by
Set Decorator
➤ Production Management
Production Manager
➤ Second Unit & Assistant Directors
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
➤ Camera & Electrical Department
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
➤ Sound Department
Sound Recordist
➤ Costume & Wardrobe Department
Wardrobe: Jeanne Moreau
➤ Music Department
Performer: Piano Pieces
Performer: Piano Pieces
Piano Pieces
The Immortal Story - modified: [171393] [63127]