Motion Capture Stage Manager
Jack the Giant Slayer (2013)
Directed by: Bryan Singer
Cinematography by: Newton Thomas Sigel
Motion Capture Stage Manager
Real Steel (2011)
Directed by: Shawn Levy
Cinematography by: Mauro Fiore
Edited by: Dean Zimmerman
Cameras: Sony CineAlta F35 Camera
Lenses: Cooke Lenses, Cooke S4 Lenses
Editing System: Avid Editing System
Motion Capture Stage Manager: Giant Studios
The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Cinematography by: Janusz Kaminski
Edited by: Michael Kahn
Cameras: Panavision Cameras
Editing System: Avid Editing System
Stage Manager: Giant Studios
Avatar (2009)
Directed by: James Cameron
Cinematography by: Mauro Fiore