Tamara Daroshin

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Stunt Double: Summer Bishil

'The Magicians' Marry... Kill  (2019)

Directed by: John Scott
Cinematography by: Corey Robson
Edited by: Mats Abbott

Stunt Double: Keegan Connor Tracy

'Once Upon a Time' Leaving Storybrooke  (2018)

Directed by: Ralph Hemecker
Cinematography by: Tony Mirza

Stunt Double: Adelaide Kane

'Once Upon a Time' Secret Garden  (2018)

Directed by: Mick Garris
Cinematography by: Tony Mirza
Edited by: Mark Goldman

Stunt Double: Emily Bett Richards

'Arrow' The Ties That Bind  (2018)

Directed by: Tara Miele

Stunt Double: Micaela Aguilera

'The X-Files' Nothing Lasts Forever  (2018)

Directed by: James Wong
Cinematography by: Craig Wrobleski
Edited by: Kevin D. Ross

Stunt Double: Summer Bishil

'The Magicians' Will You Play with Me?  (2018)

Directed by: Chris Fisher
Cinematography by: François Dagenais
Edited by: Mats Abbott

Stunt Double: Dania Ramirez

'Once Upon a Time' Greenbacks  (2017)

Directed by: Geofrey Hildrew
Cinematography by: Tony Mirza
Edited by: Jon Koslowsky

Stunt Double: Laara Sadiq

'Arrow' Deathstroke Returns  (2017)

Directed by: Joel Novoa
Cinematography by: Gordon Verheul
Edited by: Jessie Murray
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