The movie Spellbound, released in 2002 and directed by Jeffrey Blitz and editing by Yana Gorskaya.
Directed by | Jeffrey Blitz
Edited by | Yana Gorskaya
Sound Systems
Distribution Resolution
Distribution Medium
Country | USALanguage | English, Spanish
Genres | Documentary, Comedy, Thriller
Editing System
Finishing System
Capture - Codecs & Formats
Distributed Aspect Ratio
Shooting Regions
Academy Awards Year
Academy Award Nominee
➤ Cast
Herself - Spelling Bee Participant
Himself - Angela's Father
Himself - Angela's Brother
Himself - Ranch Owner
Herself - Ranch Owner
Herself - Angela's Mother
Herself - Angela's Teacher
Herself - Potter County Champion
Herself - Spelling Bee Participant
Herself - Nupur's Teacher
Himself - Nupur's Father
Herself - Nupur's Mother
Himself - Nupur's Brother
Himself - Spelling Bee Participant
Herself - Ted's Teacher
Himself - Ted's Brother
Himself - Ted's Brother
Himself - Ted's Father
Herself - Ted's Mother
Herself - Spelling Bee Participant
Himself - Emily's Father
Herself - Emily's Mother
Herself - Spelling Bee Participant
Herself - Ashley's Mother
Herself - Ashley's Teacher
Herself - Ashley's Sister
Himself - Spelling Bee Participant
Himself - Neil's Father
Herself - Neil's Mother
Herself - Neil's Sister
Herself - Neil's Spelling Coach
Herself - Spelling Bee Participant
Himself - April's Father
Herself - April's Mother
Himself - April's Teacher
Himself - Spelling Bee Participant
Herself - Harry's Mother
Herself - National Spelling Bee Director And 1981 National Champion
Himself - National Spelling Bee Pronouncer
Herself - Mother Of Last Year's 4th Place Speller
Himself - 1925 National Champion
Himself - 1971 National Champion
Himself - 1985 National Champion
Herself - Balu's Mother
Himself - Spelling Bee Participant
Boy Who Says Yenta
Herself - Angela's Friend
➤ Directed by
➤ Edited by
➤ Produced by
➤ Original Music by
➤ Camera & Electrical Department
Camera Operator
Additional Camera: Washington DC
Additional Camera: Washington DC
Additional Camera: Washington DC
Additional Camera: Washington DC
Additional Camera: Washington DC
➤ Editorial Department
Editorial Support
Audio Layback
➤ Art Department
➤ Sound Department
Additional Sound Recordist: Washington D.C.
Re-recording Mixer
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Recordist
Supervising Sound Editor
➤ Additional Crew Members
Funding Provided By
Sales Agent
Spellbound - modified: [68311] [334405]