Jodie Camilleri

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Visual Effects Producer: CVD VFX

'The X-Files' My Struggle II  (2016)

Directed by: Chris Carter
Cinematography by: Joel Ransom
Edited by: Robert Komatsu

Visual Effects Producer: CVD VFX

'The X-Files' Babylon  (2016)

Directed by: Chris Carter
Cinematography by: Joel Ransom
Edited by: Robert Komatsu

Visual Effects Producer: CVD VFX

'The X-Files' Home Again  (2016)

Directed by: Glen Morgan
Cinematography by: Joel Ransom
Edited by: Robert Komatsu

Visual Effects Producer: CVD VFX

'The X-Files' Founder's Mutation  (2016)

Directed by: James Wong
Cinematography by: Joel Ransom

Visual Effects Producer: CVD VFX

'The X-Files' My Struggle  (2015)

Directed by: Chris Carter
Cinematography by: Joel Ransom

Visual Effects: LOOK! Effects

'Game of Thrones' The Lion and the Rose  (2014)

Directed by: Alex Graves
Cinematography by: Anette Haellmigk
Edited by: Katie Weiland

Visual Effects: LOOK! Effects

'Game of Thrones' Two Swords  (2014)

Cinematography by: Jonathan Freeman
Edited by: Katie Weiland

Visual Effects: LOOK! Effects

'Game of Thrones' Breaker of Chains  (2014)

Directed by: Alex Graves
Cinematography by: Anette Haellmigk
Edited by: Katie Weiland

Visual Effects: LOOK! Effects

'Game of Thrones' First of His Name  (2014)

Directed by: Michelle MacLaren
Cinematography by: Robert McLachlan
Edited by: Crispin Green

Visual Effects: LOOK! Effects

'Game of Thrones' Oathkeeper  (2014)

Directed by: Michelle MacLaren
Cinematography by: Robert McLachlan
Edited by: Crispin Green

Visual Effects: LOOK! Effects

'Game of Thrones' The Laws of Gods and Men  (2014)

Directed by: Alik Sakharov
Cinematography by: Fabian Wagner
Edited by: Crispin Green

Visual Effects: LOOK! Effects

'Game of Thrones' The Mountain and the Viper  (2014)

Directed by: Alex Graves
Cinematography by: Anette Haellmigk
Edited by: Tim Porter

Visual Effects: LOOK! Effects

'Game of Thrones' Mockingbird  (2014)

Directed by: Alik Sakharov
Cinematography by: Fabian Wagner
Edited by: Tim Porter

Visual Effects: LOOK! Effects

'Game of Thrones' The Watchers on the Wall  (2014)

Directed by: Neil Marshall
Cinematography by: David Franco
Edited by: Katie Weiland
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