The movie War Photographer, released in 2001 and directed by Christian Frei, was shot on Canon Cameras, Sony Cameras with Peter Indergand, James Nachtwey as cinematographer and editing by Christian Frei.
Directed by | Christian Frei
Edited by | Christian Frei
Sound Systems
Distribution Resolution
Country | SwitzerlandLanguage | English, German
Genres | Documentary, War
Editing System
Finishing System
Distributed Aspect Ratio
Shooting Regions
Academy Awards Year
Academy Award Nominee
➤ Cast
Herself - Chief International Correspondent CNN
Foreign Editor STERN Magazine
Editor In Chief GEO SAISON Magazine
Cameraman REUTERS
Screenwriter / Jim's Best Friend
➤ Directed by
➤ Cinematography by
➤ Edited by
➤ Produced by
Co-producer: Schweizer Fernsehen Drs
Co-producer: Schweizer Fernsehen Drs
Line Producer: Palestine
➤ Original Music by
➤ Second Unit & Assistant Directors
Assistant Director
➤ Camera & Electrical Department
Additional Still Photographer: Vietnam
Video Footage: South Africa, CNN
Betacam Cinematographer: Sulfur Mine
Additional Still Photographer: Vietnam
Still Photographer
Additional Still Photographer: South Africa
Cinematographer: DV-camera, Palestine
Additional Still Photographer: South Africa
Additional Still Photographer: Vietnam
➤ Editorial Department
Post-production Coordinator
Off-line Editor
Off-line Editing Supervisor
Color Grader
On-line Editor
Assistant Editor
Negative Cutter
Off-line Editing Supervisor
➤ Visual Effects Department
Microcam Builder: Swiss Effects
Microcam Builder: Swiss Effects
Microcam Builder: Swiss Effects
➤ Sound Department
Sound Editor: Mangetix Strudios / Sound Mixer: Magnetix Studios
Sound: Hamburg
Sound: New York
➤ Music Department
Music Consultant / Music Producer
➤ Transportation Department
Driver: Jakarta
Driver: Jakarta
Driver: Jakarta
Driver: Jakarta
➤ Additional Crew Members
Web Site Designer
Representative: Digita;l Dbetacam Equipment, Schweizer AG
Translator: Post-production, Kosovo
Video-to-film Transfer: Swiss Effects
Translator: Post-production, Kosovo
Translator: Kosovo
Porter: Sulfur Mine
Video-to-fiulm Transfer: Swiss Effects
Travel Agent: Switzerland, Blue Moon Travel
Researcher: Jakartta
Translator: Sulfur Mine
Travel Agent: Switzerland, Blue Moon Travel
Title Designer
War Photographer - modified: [68207] [309061]