Hal Bertram

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Digital Character And Visual Effects: Jim Henson's Creature Shop

It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie  (2002)

Directed by: Kirk R. Thatcher
Cinematography by: Tony Westman
Edited by: Gregg Featherman

Visual Effects - 2 Episodes, 2000

Arabian Nights  (2000)

Directed by: Steve Barron
Cinematography by: Remi Adefarasin
Edited by: David Yardley

CGI Supervisor - 2 Episodes, 2000

Jason and the Argonauts  (2000)

Directed by: Nick Willing
Cinematography by: Sergei Kozlov
Edited by: Sean Barton

Supervisor: Jim Henson's Creature Shop, "Blawp" Animation Unit

Lost in Space  (1998)

Directed by: Stephen Hopkins
Cinematography by: Peter Levy
Edited by: Ray Lovejoy

Editor: Henson Edit Suite Design, Jim Henson's Creature Shop

Babe  (1995)

Directed by: Chris Noonan
Cinematography by: Andrew Lesnie