Bloodsport 2  (1996)

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  |  Color  |  90 Minutes
Bloodsport 2 Technical Specifications Update Details Update Poster


The movie Bloodsport 2, released in 1996 and directed by Alan Mehrez with Jacques Haitkin as cinematographer and editing by J. Douglas Seelig.
Directed by | Alan Mehrez
Cinematography by | Jacques Haitkin
Edited by | J. Douglas Seelig
Written by | Jeff Schechter
Sound Systems
Country | USA
Language | English
Genres | Action, Sport

Editing System
Finishing System
David Leung
Ray 'Tiny' Jackson
Sergio DaSilva
Kim Campbell
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Sun's Student
Directed by
Cinematography by
Written by
Written By
Edited by
Produced by
Associate Producer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Line Producer
Line Producer
Original Music by
Production Management
Post-production Supervisor
Production Supervisor
Production Manager
Second Unit & Assistant Directors
First Assistant Director
Second Assistant Director
Second Unit Director
Camera & Electrical Department
Clapper Loader: Thailand
Electrician: Thailand
Electrician: Thailand
Gaffer: Thailand
Electrician: Thailand
Gaffer / Second Camera Operator
Electrician: Thailand
Electrician: Thailand
Still Photographer: Thailand
Electrician: Thailand
Electrician: Thailand
Second Assistant Camera: Thailand
Second Assistant Camera: Thailand
First Assistant Camera: Thailand
First Assistant Camera: Thailand
Editorial Department
Negative Conformer
Negative Conformer
Negative Conformer
Negative Conformer
Negative Conformer
Post-production Coordinator
Assistant Editor
Negative Conformer
Negative Conformer
Negative Conformer
Negative Conformer
Negative Conformer
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor
Color Timer
Visual Effects Department
Main Title Design: CSI
Digital Film Scanning Editor
Digital Production Assistant
Camera: CFI
Optical Supervisor: CFI
Animation Director: CSI
Digital Film Scanning Operator
Morphing: CSI
Main Title Design: CSI / Rotoscope Artist: CSI
Lineup: CFI
Digital Production Manager
Animation: CSI
Camera: CFI
Digital Film Scanning Operator
Digital Film Scanning Operator
Rotoscope Artist: CSI
Digital Production Assistant
Visual Effects Director
Special Effects Department
Paints: CSI
Special Effects Producer
Paints: CSI
Special Effects Executive Producer: CSI
Art Department
Property Master: Thailand
Assistant Props: Thailand
Set Props: Thailand
Sound Department
Foley Artist
Sound Effects Editor
Re-recording Mixer
Adr Supervisor / Supervising Sound Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Assistant Production Sound Editor
Assistant Sound Re-recording Mixer
Re-recording Mixer
Dialogue Editor
Production Sound Mixer / Sound Mixer
Adr Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Foley Artist
Dialogue Editor
Dialogue Editor
Sound Services Manager
Sound Recordist
Dialogue Editor / Production Sound Editor
Boom Operator
Foley Assistant
Adr Mixer / Foley Mixer
Adr Assistant / Foley Mixer
Dialogue Editor
Sound Effects Editor
Adr Recordist
Makeup Department
Hair Stylist / Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist: Thailand
Assistant Makeup Artist
Costume & Wardrobe Department
Seamstress: Thailand
Wardrobe: Thailand
Assistant Wardrobe: Thailand
Set Costumer
Stunt Department
Stunt Player
Stunt Player
Stunt Player
Assistant Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Player
Stunt Player
Stunt Player
Stunt Coordinator
Transportation Department
Driver: Thailand
Driver: Thailand
Driver: Thailand
Driver: Thailand
Driver: Thailand
Driver: Thailand
Driver: Thailand
Driver: Thailand
Driver: Thailand
Additional Crew Members
Legal Services
Production Accountant
Personal Trainer: Mr. Bernhardt
Gymnastics Trainer: Daniel Bernhardt
Titles: CFI
Special Weapons
Technical Coordinator: Thailand
Project Manager: Thailand
Assistant To Executive Producer
Technical Supervisor
Script Supervisor
Dialect Coach: Mr. Bernhardt
Assistant To Director
Legal Services
Translator: Thailand
Production Accountant
Technical Supervisor: CSI
Translator: Thailand
Fight Choreographer
Production Coordinator: Thailand
Translator: Thailand
Pre-production Coordinator
Adr Artist
Bloodsport 2 - modified: [15764] [112536]

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