Mari Chaccour

  18 Titles
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Writers Prodution Assistant

'Orange Is the New Black' Be Free  (2018)

Directed by: Nick Sandow
Cinematography by: Ludovic Littee
Edited by: Shannon Mitchell

Writers Production Assistant

'Orange Is the New Black' Riot FOMO  (2017)

Directed by: Andrew McCarthy
Cinematography by: Ludovic Littee
Edited by: Bill Turro

Writers Production Assistant

'Orange Is the New Black' Pissters!  (2017)

Directed by: Phil Abraham
Cinematography by: Ludovic Littee
Edited by: Shannon Mitchell

Writers Production Assistant

'Orange Is the New Black' The Tightening  (2017)

Directed by: Erin Feeley
Cinematography by: Ludovic Littee
Edited by: Shannon Mitchell

Writers Production Assistant

'Orange Is the New Black' Storm-y Weather  (2017)

Directed by: Jesse Peretz
Cinematography by: Ludovic Littee
Edited by: Bill Turro

Writers Production Assistant

'Orange Is the New Black' Tattoo You  (2017)

Directed by: Mark A. Burley
Cinematography by: Ludovic Littee
Edited by: Shannon Mitchell
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