Don Hertzfeldt

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Animator, Cinematographer, Digital Effects, Director, Editor, Musician , Producer, Production Designer, Sound Editor / Sound Mixer, Writer

World of Tomorrow  (2015)

Directed by: Don Hertzfeldt
Cinematography by: Don Hertzfeldt
Edited by: Don Hertzfeldt

Animator: Couch Gag / Animator: Opening Sequence, Couch Gag, Director - Couch Gag, Future Bart / Future Lisa / Future Marge / Future Creatures, Sound: Couch Gag

'The Simpsons' Clown in the Dumps  (2014)

Animator, Cinematographer, Director, Producer, Sound Designer, Special Photographic Effects, Spoon Guy / Banana / Queen Of France, Writer

Rejected  (2000)

Directed by: Don Hertzfeldt
Cinematography by: Don Hertzfeldt
Edited by: Rebecca Moline
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