The movie Go to Hell, released in 1999 and directed by Michael J. Heagle with Carlo Besasie, Marko Stachniw as cinematographer .
Directed by | Michael J. Heagle
Sound Systems
Dolby SR
Country | USALanguage | English
Genres | Adventure, Comedy, Horror
➤ Cast
Dionysis Devotee
Ponti Assassination Bystander / Blank Face Satano
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Cat's Fan
Dionysis / Satano #8 / Cat's Fan / Agent Elvis Stand-in
Bob Beasley / Gambada Satano
Princess Gambada
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Dionysis Devotee
A-man's Entourage
Ponti Assassination Bystander
The Advocate
Satano #9 / Missile Command Captain
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Detective Sergeant Mulcahy
Lord Kurik
Cardinal 'X'
Deke, Missile Command Trooper
Satano #10
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Satano #11 / Dionysis Devotee
Randy, Missile Command Trooper
Gus, Missile Command Trooper
Satano #4
Drunk Satano
Cat's Saved Satano #1 / Satano #5
Female Boy Scout / Construction Worker
Assassination Bystander
Ponti Assassination Bystander
A-Man's Entourage
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Jim Jones
Mistress Ilsa
Cardinal Ponti
Jimmy The Skull / National Explainer Flasher / Construction Worker
Satano #6
Kurt Camp
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Edgar Allen Poe / Italian Tourist / Shooter / Enola Gay Satano / Cat's Saved Satano #2 / Satano Nurse
Cat's Fan
A-Man's Entourage
Ponti Assassination Bystander
A-Man's Entourage
A-Man's Entourage
Agent Catalina Powers
Cat's Saved Satano #3
Ponti's Limo Driver
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Marquis De Sade / Satano #7
Rock & Roll Miracle
Art Cannon
Harry The Weasle
Dionysis Devotee
Elvisina / Big Face Satano / Satano #1 / Cat's Bodyguard / Gambada Worker
Lost Pizza Guy / Construction Worker
Agent Elvis
Thirsty Satano / Gambada Satano
Satano #2 / Klaus, Missile Commander / James Lyndon Johnson / Missile Command Trooper
Agent Warhol
Faux Jackie O.
A-Man's Entourage
Polo McCrimmon / Hell Palace Bartender
A-Man's Entourage
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Agent Marion Tango
Dario Dare / Cat's Fan / Shooter's Shooter's Puncher / Satano Doctor
Shooter's Shooter / SS Officer / Soul Keeper Satano / Satano #3
Ponti Assassination Bystander
➤ Directed by
➤ Cinematography by
➤ Written by
➤ Produced by
Executive Producer
➤ Original Music by
➤ Production Design by
Production Designer
➤ Costume Design by
Costume Designer
Costume Designer
Costume Designer
Costume Designer
➤ Camera & Electrical Department
First Assistant Camera / Gaffer
Still Photographer: Production Stills
Additional Photographer
Additional Photographer
Additional Photographer
Additional Photographer
First Assistant Camera
Dolly Grip
Additional Videographer: Assassination Flashback
➤ Editorial Department
Additional Editor
Additional Editor
Additional Editor
Additional Editor
➤ Visual Effects Department
3D CGI Effects Animator
Title Sequence Design/animation
CGI Design Artist / Miniature Construction
Miniature Construction / Miniature High Speed Photography
Miniature Construction
➤ Special Effects Department
Special Effects Coordinator
Special Effects Technician
➤ Art Department
Assistant Art Director
Set Dresser
Set Constructor
Set Dresser
Set Constructor
➤ Sound Department
Sound Recordist
Foley Artist / Sound Effects
Boom Operator
Foley Artist / Sound Effects
➤ Casting Department
Extras Casting
Extras Casting
➤ Makeup Department
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
➤ Costume & Wardrobe Department
Set Costumer
Set Costumer
Set Costumer
Set Costumer
Set Costumer
➤ Music Department
Music Supervisor
➤ Stunt Department
Stunt Double: Lord Kurik
Stunt Safety / Stunts
➤ Additional Crew Members
Key Set Production Assistant
Production Assistant
Assistant Production Coordinator / Caterer / Craft Service
Production Assistant
Production Assistant
Production Assistant
Fight Choreographer
Production Assistant: Mukwonago, WI
Production Assistant
Go to Hell - modified: [21473] [127499]