Go to Hell  (1999)

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  |  Color  |  90 Minutes
Go to Hell Technical Specifications Update Details Update Poster


The movie Go to Hell, released in 1999 and directed by Michael J. Heagle with Carlo Besasie, Marko Stachniw as cinematographer .
Directed by | Michael J. Heagle
Cinematography by | Carlo Besasie, Marko Stachniw
Sound Systems
Dolby SR
Country | USA
Language | English
Genres | Adventure, Comedy, Horror

Editing System
Finishing System
Dionysis Devotee
Ponti Assassination Bystander / Blank Face Satano
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Dionysis / Satano #8 / Cat's Fan / Agent Elvis Stand-in
Bob Beasley / Gambada Satano
Princess Gambada
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Dionysis Devotee
A-man's Entourage
Ponti Assassination Bystander
The Advocate
Satano #9 / Missile Command Captain
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Detective Sergeant Mulcahy
Lord Kurik
Cardinal 'X'
Deke, Missile Command Trooper
Satano #10
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Satano #11 / Dionysis Devotee
Randy, Missile Command Trooper
Gus, Missile Command Trooper
Satano #4
Drunk Satano
Cat's Saved Satano #1 / Satano #5
Female Boy Scout / Construction Worker
Assassination Bystander
Ponti Assassination Bystander
A-Man's Entourage
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Mistress Ilsa
Cardinal Ponti
Jimmy The Skull / National Explainer Flasher / Construction Worker
Satano #6
Kurt Camp
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Edgar Allen Poe / Italian Tourist / Shooter / Enola Gay Satano / Cat's Saved Satano #2 / Satano Nurse
Cat's Fan
A-Man's Entourage
Ponti Assassination Bystander
A-Man's Entourage
A-Man's Entourage
Agent Catalina Powers
Cat's Saved Satano #3
Ponti's Limo Driver
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Marquis De Sade / Satano #7
Rock & Roll Miracle
Art Cannon
Harry The Weasle
Dionysis Devotee
Elvisina / Big Face Satano / Satano #1 / Cat's Bodyguard / Gambada Worker
Lost Pizza Guy / Construction Worker
Thirsty Satano / Gambada Satano
Satano #2 / Klaus, Missile Commander / James Lyndon Johnson / Missile Command Trooper
Agent Warhol
Faux Jackie O.
A-Man's Entourage
Polo McCrimmon / Hell Palace Bartender
A-Man's Entourage
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Agent Marion Tango
Dario Dare / Cat's Fan / Shooter's Shooter's Puncher / Satano Doctor
Shooter's Shooter / SS Officer / Soul Keeper Satano / Satano #3
Ponti Assassination Bystander
Directed by
Cinematography by
Written by
Produced by
Executive Producer
Original Music by
Production Design by
Production Designer
Costume Design by
Costume Designer
Costume Designer
Costume Designer
Costume Designer
Camera & Electrical Department
First Assistant Camera / Gaffer
Still Photographer: Production Stills
Additional Photographer
Additional Photographer
Additional Photographer
Additional Photographer
First Assistant Camera
Dolly Grip
Additional Videographer: Assassination Flashback
Editorial Department
Additional Editor
Additional Editor
Additional Editor
Additional Editor
Visual Effects Department
3D CGI Effects Animator
Title Sequence Design/animation
CGI Design Artist / Miniature Construction
Miniature Construction / Miniature High Speed Photography
Miniature Construction
Special Effects Department
Special Effects Coordinator
Special Effects Technician
Art Department
Assistant Art Director
Set Dresser
Set Constructor
Set Dresser
Set Constructor
Sound Department
Sound Recordist
Foley Artist / Sound Effects
Boom Operator
Foley Artist / Sound Effects
Casting Department
Extras Casting
Extras Casting
Makeup Department
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Costume & Wardrobe Department
Set Costumer
Set Costumer
Set Costumer
Set Costumer
Set Costumer
Music Department
Music Supervisor
Stunt Department
Stunt Double: Lord Kurik
Stunt Safety / Stunts
Additional Crew Members
Key Set Production Assistant
Production Assistant
Assistant Production Coordinator / Caterer / Craft Service
Production Assistant
Production Assistant
Production Assistant
Fight Choreographer
Production Assistant: Mukwonago, WI
Production Assistant
Go to Hell - modified: [21473] [127499]

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