Orlando Baeza

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Character Layout Artist / Storyboard Revisionist

'The Simpsons' Thursdays with Abie  (2010)

Character Layout Artist / Storyboard Revisionist

'The Simpsons' Girls Just Want to Have Sums  (2006)

Directed by: Nancy Kruse

Character Layout Artist / Storyboard Revisionist

'The Simpsons' There's Something About Marrying  (2005)

Directed by: Nancy Kruse

Character Layout Artist / Storyboard Revisionist

'The Simpsons' A Star Is Torn  (2005)

Directed by: Nancy Kruse

Character Layout Artist / Storyboard Revisionist

'The Simpsons' See Homer Run  (2005)

Directed by: Nancy Kruse

Animator: Couch Gag / Storyboard Artist

'The Simpsons' The Regina Monologues  (2003)

Directed by: Mark Kirkland

Character Layout Artist / Storyboard Revisionist

'The Simpsons' Today, I Am a Clown  (2003)

Directed by: Nancy Kruse

Layout Artist: Freelance / Storyboard Artist

'The Simpsons' This Little Wiggy  (1998)

Directed by: Neil Affleck

Second Assistant Director, Storyboard Artist

'The Simpsons' Lisa the Simpson  (1998)

Directed by: Susie Dietter

Character Layout Artist / Storyboard Artist

'The Simpsons' Bart the Mother  (1998)

Directed by: Steven Dean Moore