First Name: Carmen  (1983)

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  |  Color  |  85 Minutes
First Name: Carmen Technical Specifications Update Details Update Poster


The movie First Name: Carmen, released in 1983 and directed by Jean-Luc Godard with Raoul Coutard, Jean-Bernard Menoud as cinematographer and editing by Fabienne Alvarez-Giro, Suzanne Lang-Willar.
Directed by | Jean-Luc Godard
Cinematography by | Raoul Coutard, Jean-Bernard Menoud
Sound Systems
Country | France
Language | French
Genres | Crime, Drama, Music, Romance

Editing System
Finishing System
Joseph / Bank Guard
Le Chef / Leader
Le Garde Du Corps / The Bodyguard
Le Valet Du Grand Hôtel / The Valet Of The Big Hotel
La Nourrice / Wet Nurse
Femme De La Bande à Joseph
L'homme Qui Mange Du Yaourt / The Man Who Eats Yogurt
Cameo Appearance
Jeannot / L'oncle De Carmen-Carmen's Uncle
Le Malade Qui Crie / The Screaming Patient
Directed by
Cinematography by
Written by
Edited by
Produced by
Costume Design by
Costume Designer
Production Management
Production Manager
Production Manager
Second Unit & Assistant Directors
Assistant Director
Camera & Electrical Department
Assistant Camera
Editorial Department
Assistant Editor
Sound Department
Makeup Department
Makeup Artist
Hair Stylist
Costume & Wardrobe Department
Additional Crew Members
First Name: Carmen - modified: [35944] [86153]

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