The 23rd Psalm  (2007)

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  |  Color  |  89 Minutes
The 23rd Psalm Technical Specifications Update Details Update Poster


The movie The 23rd Psalm, released in 2007 and directed by Christopher C. Odom with Christopher C. Odom as cinematographer and editing by Christopher C. Odom.
Directed by | Christopher C. Odom
Cinematography by | Christopher C. Odom
Written by | Christopher C. Odom
Sound Systems
Dolby Digital
Country | USA
Language | English
Genres | Drama

Editing System
Finishing System
Harrold, The Coroner
William 'Wil' Freeman
Police Detective
Pastor Dennis Luther
Dr. Najuma Johnson
Detective John Smith
Directed by
Cinematography by
Written by
Edited by
Produced by
Co-executive Producer
Executive Producer
The 23rd Psalm - modified: [21869] [834888]

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