Subway Cafe  (2004)

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  |  Color  |  71 Minutes
Subway Cafe Technical Specifications Update Details Update Poster


The movie Subway Cafe, released in 2004 and directed by Josh Monkarsh with Josh Monkarsh as cinematographer and editing by Nancy LaMarr.
Directed by | Josh Monkarsh
Cinematography by | Josh Monkarsh
Edited by | Nancy LaMarr
Written by | Josh Monkarsh
Sound Systems
Country | USA
Language | English
Genres | Drama, Fantasy

Editing System
Finishing System
Lenny Mapelton
Samantha May
Chester Springfield
Jose Espinosa
Asher Ibrahim
Jerome Mayfield
Lauren Ambrosia
Sol Rosenbaum
Paul Martin
Rodney Chesterfield
Ben Alexander
Michelle Brady
Vincent Young
Jerry Goldberg
Rachael Whittman
Katherine Jones
Irving Weintraub
Bernie Lomax
Hootan Buchari
Louis Parnouf
Joan Cascade
Frank Angelo
Mark La Tiego
Michael Mason
Marty Tuttoni
Sheryl Mason
Adam Newman
Alanna Bloom
Directed by
Cinematography by
Written by
Edited by
Produced by
Co-executive Producer
Co-executive Producer
Executive Producer
Subway Cafe - modified: [17524] [413323]

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