Geodude / Machamp
'Pokémon' Kurogane Gym! Hyouta VS Shinji!! (2007)
Directed by: Norihiko Sutô
Cinematography by: Hisao Shirai
'Pokémon' O'er the Rampardos We Watched! (2007)
Directed by: Norihiko Sutô
Cinematography by: Hisao Shirai
'Pokémon' Pachirisu vs Eipam! Contest Battle!! (2007)
Directed by: Norihiko Sutô
Cinematography by: Hisao Shirai
'Pokémon' Hunter J Returns! Protect Tatetops! (2007)
Directed by: Norihiko Sutô
Cinematography by: Hisao Shirai
Geodude / Golem
'Pokémon' Grating Spaces! (2006)
'Pokémon' Naetle! I'll Get You! (2006)
Directed by: Norihiko Sutô
Cinematography by: Hisao Shirai
'Pokémon' Can't Get the Pokétch!? (2006)
Directed by: Norihiko Sutô
Cinematography by: Hisao Shirai
Muk / Charmander
'Pokémon' Okido Laboratory! All Members Assemble! (2005)
'Pokémon' Hooked on Onix (2005)
Dewgong / Seel / Shellder
'Pokémon' Choji Gym! Ice Battle! (2002)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Yadon's Comprehension! Satoshi's Comprehension! (2002)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Geodude / Bean
'Pokémon' Nyorotono's Cheerleading! (2002)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Geodude / Rattata
'Pokémon' Kairyu! Activate Imperial Rage! (2002)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Geodude
'Pokémon' Entei and Friends of the Hot Spring! (2002)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Muk / Snorlax / Psyduck
'Pokémon' Rival Confrontation! Kamex vs Lizardon!! (2002)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Bursyamo Returns! Battle Against Hazuki!! (2002)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Snorlax / Blastoise
'Pokémon' Ordile vs Kamex! Sumo Battle!! (2001)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Golbat vs the Masked Queen Musashi! The Battle in the Ruins!! (2001)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Naty Fortune Teller! The Mystery of Telling the Future!! (2001)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Grimer / Muk / Dewgong
'Pokémon' The Nurse Joy Who Hates Water Pokémon!? Kasumi's Anger! (2001)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' A Chain of Whirlpool Islands! A Renewed Challenge!! (2001)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Sunnygo the Amigo! Showdown on Yellow Rock Isle!! (2001)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Shellder
'Pokémon' Mantain and the Sunken Ship!! The Secret of the Mysterious Pokémon! (2001)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Seel / Shellder / Seaking
'Pokémon' Okutank and Teppouo! Whirlpool Cup Preliminaries!! (2001)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Satoshi vs. Kasumi! The Final Battle in the Whirlpool Cup!! (2001)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Farewell Fushigidane! Adventure at Professor Oak's (2001)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Big Eater Kabigon! Big Panic! (2000)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Muk / Snorlax / Psyduck / Geodude
'Pokémon' Ubame Forest! Search for Kamonegi!! (2000)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Muk / Blastoise
'Pokémon' Burn, Zenigame Squad! Like a Fire!! (2000)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' A Differently Colored Yorunozuku! Catch It!! (2000)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Kirinriki! The Village of Esper Pokémon! (2000)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Pokémon Fortune-telling!? Enormous Melee! (2000)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Muk / Geodude
'Pokémon' The Carrier Poppo of the Poppo Store! (2000)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Zubat's Mansion! A Dangerous Labyrinth!! (2000)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Kapoerer vs. Fushigidane! Hand to Hand Showdown!! (2000)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' The Three of the Jungle! Battle in the Hot Springs!! (2000)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Rival Enters! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Sekiei Stadium! Vs Hiroshi! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Zippo / Ivysaur
'Pokémon' Pokemon League! The Final Battle! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Masera Town! A New Journey (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Geodude
'Pokémon' Blimp Accident!? (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Geodude
'Pokémon' Southern Land Pokémon and the GS Ball (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Muk / Psyduck / Blastoise
'Pokémon' Orange League! Natsukan Gym! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Trainer 2 / Grimer / Hitmonchan
'Pokémon' Mystery of the Disappearing Pokémon! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Muk
'Pokémon' Island of Pink Pokémon (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Goodbye Koduck! Come Again Golduck? (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Seel / Shellder
'Pokémon' Sailing Joy! Cross the Raging Waves! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Navel Gym! Snowy Mountain Battle! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Snorlax / Psyduck
'Pokémon' It's the Southern Island! All Members Assemble! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Dewgong / Machamp
'Pokémon' Kanna of the Shitenno! Ice Battle!! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Yuzu Gym! Type Battle 3 vs 3!! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Snorlax / Psyduck
'Pokémon' Pikachu vs Nyarth!? (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Firefighting Showdown! Zenigame vs Kameil (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Crush 'em! Kabigon!! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Nyoromo and Kasumi (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Winner's Cup! Full Battle 6 vs 6!! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Muk / Snorlax
'Pokémon' Return to Masara Town! (1999)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Vaporeon / Poliwrath / Cloyster / Exeggutor
'Pokémon' The Four Ivui Brothers (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Shopkeeper / Psyduck / Snorlax
'Pokémon' Wake up! Kabigon! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Hitmonchan / Hitmonlee
'Pokémon' Showdown! Pokémon Gym! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Carnival Owner / Audience / Charmander / Charmeleon / Exeggcute / Exeggutor
'Pokémon' Nassy Squad Big March! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Paras and Parasect (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Punk / Male Townspeople / Psyduck / Sleeping Pokémon
'Pokémon' Sing! Purin! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmeleon / Geodude / Kabuto / Omastar / Aerodactyl
'Pokémon' Resurrection!? Fossil Pokémon! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Kamonegi's Easy Mark (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Geodude
'Pokémon' Who Gets to Keep Togepy!? (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Ivysaur / Venusaur
'Pokémon' Fushigidane's Mysterious Flower Garden (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Cubone / Machoke
'Pokémon' Fierce Fighting! Pokémon Girls' Festival! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Geodude
'Pokémon' It's Children's Day! All Members Gather! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Vaporeon / Graveler / Charmander / Charizard / Ivysaur
'Pokémon' Pokémon Certification Test!? (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Victreebel
'Pokémon' The Secret of the Breeding Center! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Blaine / Hotel Manager 3 / Man
'Pokémon' Burn! Guren Gym! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Blaine / Psyduck / Geodude
'Pokémon' Decisive Battle! Guren Gym! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Kamex's Island (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Seel / Dewgong / Seaking
'Pokémon' Hanada Gym! Underwater Battle! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Tokiwa Gym! The Last Badge! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Psyduck
'Pokémon' Rougela's Christmas (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander, Director
'Pokémon' Iwark as a Bivouac (1998)
'Pokémon' Rival Confrontation! Okido Laboratory (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Psyduck / Shellder
'Pokémon' When Yadon Becomes Yadoran (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Lights, Camera, Quack-tion (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Siba of the Shitenno Enters! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Garagara's Bone Club (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' All Fired Up! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Pokémon League Opens! Water Battlefield! (1998)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Director - 1 Episode, 1998, Psyduck, Voice Producer - 28 Episodes, 1997-1998, Writer - 13 Episodes, 1997-1998
Pokémon (1997)
Directed by: Kunihiko Yuyama, Norihiko Sutô, Masamitsu Hidaka, Joop Pieëte, Lotte Horlings, Fred Butter, Beatrijs Sluyter, Tetsuo Yajima, Daiki Tomiyasu, Maki Kodaira, Yûji Asada, Hirokazu Hanai, Kazuomi Koga, Ken Koyama, Yoshitaka Makino, Shigeru Ueda, Tomomasa Yamazaki, Toshiaki Suzuki, Armen Mazlumian, Toshiaki Suzuki, Michael Haigney, Darren Dunstan, Jun'ya Koshiba
Adaptation, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Pokémon, I Choose You! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Koffing, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Pokémon Emergency! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Koffing, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Ash Catches a Pokémon! (1997)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Challenge of the Samurai Boy! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Geodude, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Nibi Gym Battle! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Koffing, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Clefairy and the Moon Stone (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Seel, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' The Water Flowers of Cerulean City (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Koffing, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' The Path to the Pokémon League (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' The School of Hard Knocks (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Lost Pokemon Hitokage (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Zenigane Group's Appearance (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Masaki's Lighthouse (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Koffing, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Electric Showdown! Kuchiba Gym (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Geodude / Raticate, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Battle on the St. Annu! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Charmander / Geodude / Koffing, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Pokemon Adrift (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Koffing / Persian / Slowpoke / Slowbro, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Giant Pokemon's Island!? (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Koffing, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Aopuruko no kyujitsu (Holiday at Aopulco/Beauty and the Beach) (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Menokurage dokukurage (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Koffing, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Ghostly Pokémon and the Summer Festival (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Bye Bye Butterfree (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Casey! Psychic Confrontation! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Capture at the Pokémon Tower! (1997)
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Ghost vs Esper! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Primeape / Koffing, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Don't Get Angry, Okorizaru! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Geodude / Koffing / Grimer
'Pokémon' Erika and Kusaihana (Pokémon Scent-sation!) (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Sleeper and Pokémon Hypnotism!? (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Psyduck / Geodude / Koffing
'Pokémon' Rokon! Breeder Confrontation! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Primeape / Geodude / Hitmonchan / Hitmonlee / Machop
'Pokémon' Hand-to-Hand Fighting Pokémon! Big Battle! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Grimer / Muk
'Pokémon' Do Coil See Dreams of Electric Mice!? (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Koffing
'Pokémon' Full of Digda! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Psyduck
'Pokémon' Sekichiku Ninja Confrontation! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
'Pokémon' Fire Pokémon Big Race! (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Charmander / Kangaskhan / Weedle, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Garura's Lullaby (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Charmander / Psyduck / Golem / Cloyster / Shellder
'Pokémon' Storm on Cycling Road (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
Adaptation, Voice Producer
'Pokémon' Metamon and the Mimicry Girl (1997)
Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami