Michael Haigney

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Psyduck / Vaporeon / Poliwrath / Cloyster / Exeggutor

'Pokémon' The Four Ivui Brothers  (1998)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Shopkeeper / Psyduck / Snorlax

'Pokémon' Wake up! Kabigon!  (1998)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Carnival Owner / Audience / Charmander / Charmeleon / Exeggcute / Exeggutor

'Pokémon' Nassy Squad Big March!  (1998)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Punk / Male Townspeople / Psyduck / Sleeping Pokémon

'Pokémon' Sing! Purin!  (1998)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Charmeleon / Geodude / Kabuto / Omastar / Aerodactyl

'Pokémon' Resurrection!? Fossil Pokémon!  (1998)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Vaporeon / Graveler / Charmander / Charizard / Ivysaur

'Pokémon' Pokémon Certification Test!?  (1998)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Blaine / Hotel Manager 3 / Man

'Pokémon' Burn! Guren Gym!  (1998)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Psyduck / Seel / Dewgong / Seaking

'Pokémon' Hanada Gym! Underwater Battle!  (1998)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Adaptation, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Garagara's Bone Club  (1998)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Adaptation, Koffing, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Pokémon Emergency!  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Adaptation, Koffing, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Ash Catches a Pokémon!  (1997)

Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Adaptation, Geodude, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Nibi Gym Battle!  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Adaptation, Koffing, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Clefairy and the Moon Stone  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Adaptation, Koffing, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' The Path to the Pokémon League  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Charmander, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Lost Pokemon Hitokage  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Charmander, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Masaki's Lighthouse  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Charmander / Geodude / Raticate, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Battle on the St. Annu!  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Adaptation, Charmander / Geodude / Koffing, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Pokemon Adrift  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Charmander / Koffing / Persian / Slowpoke / Slowbro, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Giant Pokemon's Island!?  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Charmander, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Ghost vs Esper!  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Charmander / Primeape / Koffing, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Don't Get Angry, Okorizaru!  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Charmander / Psyduck / Geodude / Koffing

'Pokémon' Rokon! Breeder Confrontation!  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Primeape / Geodude / Hitmonchan / Hitmonlee / Machop

'Pokémon' Hand-to-Hand Fighting Pokémon! Big Battle!  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Adaptation, Charmander / Kangaskhan / Weedle, Voice Producer

'Pokémon' Garura's Lullaby  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami

Charmander / Psyduck / Golem / Cloyster / Shellder

'Pokémon' Storm on Cycling Road  (1997)

Directed by: Masamitsu Hidaka
Cinematography by: Motoaki Ikegami
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