Mar Bordallo

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Spanish Voice Dubbing: Billie Piper

'Doctor Who' Doomsday  (2006)

Directed by: Graeme Harper
Cinematography by: Ernest Vincze
Edited by: David Cresswell

Voice Dubbing: Billie Piper

'Doctor Who' The Satan Pit  (2006)

Directed by: James Strong
Cinematography by: Ernest Vincze
Edited by: Mike Jones

Spanish Voice Dubbing: Billie Piper / Voice Dubbing: Billie Piper - 5 Episodes, 2005-2006, Voice Dubbing: Billie Piper / Spanish Voice Dubbing: Billie Piper - 5 Episodes, 2005-2006

Doctor Who  (2005)

Editing System:

Voice Dubbing: Billie Piper

'Doctor Who' The Parting of the Ways  (2005)

Directed by: Joe Ahearne
Cinematography by: Ernest Vincze
Edited by: Graham Walker

Voice Dubbing: Billie Piper

'Doctor Who' Father's Day  (2005)

Directed by: Joe Ahearne
Cinematography by: Ernest Vincze
Edited by: Graham Walker

Spanish Voice Dubbing: Billie Piper

'Doctor Who' Aliens of London  (2005)

Directed by: Keith Boak
Cinematography by: Ernest Vincze
Edited by: Mike Jones
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