Neil Harrington

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Workshop Technician: Millennium FX

'Doctor Who' Nightmare in Silver  (2013)

Directed by: Stephen Woolfenden
Cinematography by: Tim Palmer
Edited by: Iain Erskine

Workshop Trainee: Millennium FX

'Doctor Who' Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS  (2013)

Directed by: Mat King
Cinematography by: Jake Polonsky
Edited by: Selina Macarthur

Prosthetics Trainee: Millennium FX

'Doctor Who' Dinosaurs on a Spaceship  (2012)

Directed by: Saul Metzstein
Cinematography by: Stephan Pehrsson
Edited by: Tim Porter

Prosthetics Trainee: Millennium FX / Workshop Technician: Millennium FX / Workshop Trainee: Millennium FX - 3 Episodes, 2012-2013

Doctor Who  (2005)

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