Burt Brandon
The New Avengers (1976)
Directed by: Ray Austin, Sidney Hayers, Robert Fuest, James Hill, Yvon Marie Coulais, Ernest Day, Don Thompson, Graeme Clifford, Desmond Davis, John Hough, Claude Fournier, Richard Gilbert
Cinematography by: Michael Reed, Ernest Steward, Henri Fiks, Gilbert Sarthre, Ian Wilson, James Allen, Jack Atcheler, Karol Ike, Dennis Miller
Burt Brandon
'The New Avengers' The Tale of the Big Why (1976)
Directed by: Robert Fuest
Cinematography by: Michael Reed
Edited by: Eric Boyd-Perkins
Mr. Fitzpatrick
Tom Jones (1963)
Directed by: Tony Richardson
Cinematography by: Walter Lassally
Edited by: Antony Gibbs