Claudia Urbschat-Mingues

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Voice Dubbing: Lana Parrilla

'Once Upon a Time' Breaking Glass  (2014)

Directed by: Alrick Riley
Cinematography by: Stephen Jackson
Edited by: Geofrey Hildrew

German Voice Dubbing: Lana Parrilla

'Once Upon a Time' A Tale of Two Sisters  (2014)

Directed by: Ralph Hemecker
Cinematography by: Stephen Jackson
Edited by: Mark Goldman

Voice Dubbing: Lana Parrilla

'Once Upon a Time' We Are Both  (2012)

Directed by: Dean White
Cinematography by: Stephen Jackson
Edited by: Mark Goldman

Voice Dubbing: Lana Parrilla

'Once Upon a Time' The Price of Gold  (2011)

Directed by: David Solomon
Cinematography by: Stephen Jackson
Edited by: Scot J. Kelly

Voice Dubbing: Lana Parrilla

'Once Upon a Time' That Still Small Voice  (2011)

Directed by: Paul A. Edwards
Cinematography by: Stephen Jackson
Edited by: Mark Goldman

Voice Dubbing: Lana Parrilla

'Once Upon a Time' Snow Falls  (2011)

Directed by: Dean White
Cinematography by: Stephen Jackson
Edited by: Geofrey Hildrew

Voice Dubbing: Lana Parrilla

'Once Upon a Time' The Thing You Love Most  (2011)

Directed by: Greg Beeman
Cinematography by: Stephen Jackson
Edited by: Mark Goldman
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