Ed Joyce

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Best Boy Electric

Lizzie  (2012)

Directed by: David Dunn Jr.
Cinematography by: Matt Mosher


L!fe Happens  (2011)

Directed by: Kat Coiro
Cinematography by: Doug Chamberlain

Best Boy Electric

The Anniversary at Shallow Creek  (2011)

Directed by: Jon D. Wagner
Cinematography by: Matt Mosher
Edited by: Jon D. Wagner

Electrician / Swing

Barely Legal  (2011)

Directed by: Jose Montesinos
Cinematography by: Ben Demaree
Edited by: Rob Pallatina

Best Boy Electric

The Grover Complex  (2010)

Directed by: Karen Bullis
Cinematography by: Shweta Chanda
Edited by: Michael Darrow
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